Friday, July 28, 2006

Day 37, 38 and 39: I've Traveled Every Road in this Here Land!

This will be one of our last times together. The reasons we have not been posting very often is that there has not been much to tell after we left Binghamton. In Binghamton we visited our friend Patty. She was a visual art major in college and is returning to Boston to tech and be an aid for a special needs child. Her parents were gracious enough to feed us and give us a place to stay. In Binghamton we exchanged stories about the summer quoted funny times in cartoons and then saw Superman Returns and I must say that it is truly awesome! Bryan Singer has done it again; made people who might not normally enjoy Superman or a super hero movie in general and brought out the universal story that anyone can appreciate. Then the next morning we talked some more and headed to Utica, NY.

Where I am currently posting from. Here we've met many many family members helped set up the tables, decorated the reception tent and making sure everything goes well. Right now Alie is getting her nails done and then off to the rehearsal for the singers and the general wedding rehearsal. My job has been manual labor and largely staying out of the way. So much stuff is happening that I'm afraid that I'll muck things up so the best place for me right now is here in "the Den" posting and listing to the freshly bought Tom Petty album Highway Companion and of course the essential Johnny Cash rendition of I've Been Everywhere. After all the wedding mayhem is said and done Alie and I will be posting our final thoughts, share our best and worst experiences of the trip and a lot of other stuff like photo dumps and such. But for now just sit back, relax and listen to these good tunes while you read the following stats: (that include to Binghamton and to Utica)

Total visited: 60% of the USA! Rock on!
Distance: 482.7mi
Moving Average: 55.8mph
Overall Average: 48.5mph
Moving Time: 8h 38m
Stopped: 1h 18m
Total Time: 9h 57m
Wrong Turns: 1 or 2. I dunno.
Distance to go: That was fun lets do it again next year! ;)

I was totin my pack along the long dusty Winnamucka road
When along came a semi with a high canvas covered load
If your goin' to Winnamucka, Mack with me you can ride
And so I climbed into the cab and then I setteled down inside
He asked me if I'd seen a road with so much dust and sand
And I said, "Listen! I've traveled every road in this here land!"

I've been everywhere, man
I've been everywhere, man
Crossed the deserts bare, man
I've breatherd the mountain air, man
Travel - I've had my share, man
I've been everywhere...

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