Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Day 7 & 8 Photo Dump Life Continues On

In Nawlins especially the French Quarter life is moving and the jazz is heard through out the streets. Here are some pictures from the past few days.

But first the answer to yesternigt's photo dump trivia question how can one tell the difference between a digital sepia print and a true sepia print? Clouds. Original speia prints took so long to be exposed that the clouds and the sky became completely washed out. We would have also accepted grain. Today grain can be completely eliminated ,but when sepia was common grain was almost overwhelming.

Now on with the photos!


  1. Hi guys...
    This is the first opportunity in the last couple of days I've had to get to the computer to leave you a comment. I'm enjoying your running commentary and photos; keep 'em coming. Those National Parks have a way of sneaking-up on you, as you've discovered. Sounds like you've put two pretty unique ones into the book. I like your pix of Jackson Square. (I recognize it from a school report I did on New Orleans in 6th grade. Yes, I can remember back that far...)I'm glad you are able to taste test all the various regional cusines along the way. Talk with you soon,
    Dad O.

  2. Hey Dad.
    The National Parks are pretty cool. Though the Jazz one is hard to really experiance when they do not have performers there, but its still very Jazz to be stored in one place.

    But when you were in 6th grade it must have been much harder to get a picture like that. Where as now all one has to do is search for Jackson Square and find all kinds of pictures.

    The food is always good and I'm excited for great mexican!

    Thanks for posting I miss you both.
