Monday, July 10, 2006

Day 19: The First Wedding Day

Last time I posted, Alie, Aneta and I were waiting for Leslie and her family to leave for the church well they did and we got ready. Alie kept commenting on how rare it was for her to see me in a suit and how much she enjoyed it, so much that she wanted me to wear my jacket in 104 degree heat to our Pre-Church Starbucks run. I gracefully declined citing that I did not want to die by drowning in my own sweat. But enough of that lets talk about the happy Bride and Groom.

Leslie and Brian tied the knot in a small traditional and classy wedding. The Reverend discussed how it was not up to Brian and Leslie to lean on each other but rather lean on God to help solve disputes. The Reverend also made everyone in attendance help Leslie and Brian work on the marriage when they needed it. An interesting look at marriage to say the least.

After the ceremony all 63 people headed to San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, which was very cool, well except for the first hour. The hot California Sun forced us to drink a few more drinks then we thought and seek shade in a big red object. Eventually it did cool off and we were allowed to head inside. The sunset grave the entire party great lighting and amazing pictures. The entire time both Leslie and Brian were beaming with happiness, something I do not think they will loose any time soon, if at all. The table settings the food and even the drinks, were personal to Leslie and Brian. Decorations were Sodoku puzzles, Leslie Brian Trivia and wonderful food that they ate during their first date.

Around 10pm Aneta, Dan, Alie and I were exhausted and decided that we should head back the 30 minute drive back to Leslie's. We said good bye wished the bride and groom good luck and thanked Leslie's parents for their hospitality. Once we got back we all just went to bed and passed out.

The wedding was very wonderful and it was great for Alie and I to be able to relax. I loved Leslie's attitude during the weekend; very calm and what happens happens. She and Brian looked so content!

To Leslie and Brain: Alie and I wish you luck and have a great time in RI, also Alie and I are very proud to call you both friends. Leslie its been great living with you and thank you for everything you have taught me and being there for me. I know you and Brain will have a great life together. Stay in touch and of course have fun!

PS Pictures to come!

PPS No stats yet. Thankfully this wedding was our first destination.


  1. On the road again! Glad you had a chance to take in the tourist spot of Hollywood! It will be great to have a chance to take in alot of the western states as your journey continues. You are teaching us all alot about geography! Enjoy!!
    Love Mom xoxoxox

  2. Congrats to Leslie and Brian. Sounds like a wonderful day and setting. Enjoyed your photos of the fireworks and the petrified rock formations...keep those pix coming. Now, onward, onward.
    Dad O.

  3. Hey guys! Halfway through with your Xcountry trip! I can't say I've been good about keeping up with it daily, but I have caught up completely. The blog is pretty sweet, and it sounds like you guys have really set out to do exactly what you wanted and are having a blast. Well, enjoy the rest, the north is pretty cool, too. New Hartford, NY is pretty much consumed with wedding stuff and job stuff for me (I got the maternity leave position and I'm waiting to hear about the Utica jobs!). My wedding's in less than 3 weeks! If you can even believe it.
    Talk to you guys soon!

  4. Hey Matt:

    I'm on the phone with your Ddad and I'm looking at the formal record of your exploits over the last 19 days. Cool idea, hope you're having fun. Stay safe.

    Uncle Dave.
