Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Canon NP Contest Reminder

Hi all Happy 4th! Alie and I will be posting a full update later tonight. But right now I am just taking a quick moment to remind everyone to let me know which pictures in this photo set you like so I can then submit the best one to the Canon National Parks Photo Contest. You can post a comment here or in any post at all or even email me with the name(s) of the photo(s) you like. Rock on and have fun!


  1. Matt,
    Definitely the panoramic buffalo photo and the steps at the Concepcion Mission are the one's I vote for.

  2. Hey Matt -

    Its been great reading about your trip. I just wanted to let you know I agree with your Dad, use the buffalo one. The composition is great, great color, contrast, etc. I love looking at your photos! Enjoy the trip.

