Friday, June 30, 2006

To Houston and To San Antonio Stats

I'm making this a separate post since we have two full days of stats but only one map. So here they are...

We have been to 31% of the USA!

To Houston:
Coming Soon!

To San Antonio Stats:
Overall Average: 55.9mph
Moving Average: 65.2mph
Moving Time: 4h 18m
Stopping Time: 42m 50s
Total Time: 5h 1m
Traveled: 281.3mi

So close yet so far...


  1. Hey Matt,
    Good to hear from you. Mom and I are in West Virginia visiting the Biemers for a couple of days. Sounds like your Cross Country Odyssey is continuing as scheduled and continues to be filled with exciting things. One-third of the country visited so far is pretty impressive. Let us know if you need anything. Have fun,
    Love Mom and Dad

  2. I will let you know dad how is West VA? Thanks for the vote of confidence. We have planned the rest of the trip to CA. I'll be posting that once we figure out the feasibility. Thanks for checking in.
